2007年5月16日,斯洛文尼亚驻华大使馆与石景山区古城第二小学在京润水上花园别墅的“和苑”举行了一次别开生面的野餐会。 On May 16, 2007, Slovenia Embassy and the Second Primary School in GuCheng Shijingshan District held a unique picnic in Peace Garden of King’s Garden villas. 斯洛文尼亚驻华大使及外交官、斯洛文尼亚奥委会代表、北京奥组委宣传部负责人与“和苑”创始人李若弘先生,共同欣赏了古城二小的同学和老师们精心准备的具有中国特色的文艺节目。师生们还参观了在景观石群组中国际奥委会主席为“和苑”的题词:永不止步。在随后的七巧板拼图游戏中,当“奥运同心结”标志出现在“和苑”草坪上时,和谐社会、和平发展、以及“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的主题,展现的淋漓尽致。 Slovenian ambassador and diplomats, representatives of Slovenian Olympic Committee, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and the founder of the Peace Garden Mr. Li Ruohong, enjoyed a literary and artistic programs with Chinese Characteristics which was well-prepared by students and teachers from Second Primary School of GuCheng. Teachers and students also visited the stones which have the inscription of the International Olympic Committee President to Peace Garden: Never stop. In the ensuing Tangram Puzzle Games, when the "Olympics Heart to Heart " appeared on the lawn in the Peace Garden, a harmonious society, peace and development, and the theme of "One World, One Dream" was shown incisively and vividly. |