Opening Ceremony of “Global Governance and East Lake Forum” in Wuhan
Date:2015-12-14     source:CPCN News     Count:9334

Leaders and experts start opening ceremony of the “Global Governance and East Lake Forum”together

Relying on the province's rich resources in high-end academic research , focusing on global governance by contributing wisdom and strength, the Global Governance and East Lake Forum in Wuhan started on 12th,Dec.. Guests from the relevant state ministries and domestic and universities , diplomatic envoys , experts and scholars from 10 countries gathered on the coast of East Lake to discuss the theme of “Global Governance and National Responsibility”. Provincial Party Secretary, provincial people's Congress Standing Committee Director Li Hongzhong attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

On behalf of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, Li Hongzhong congratulated the opening of the Forum and welcome the leaders and guests who attended the Forum. He said that with the development of economic globalization nowadays, the interests and fates of all countries are closely connected, forming a mixed community of destiny.Just as  Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out: "the world affairs are now in need of more and more discussions from all the countries,the establishment of international mechanism,as well as the complying with international rules and the pursuit of international justice has become the consensus of the majority of countries." To promote the global governance concept and the governance system  need cooperation from all government entities. To strengthen the international exchanges and cooperation among government organizations, NGOs and research institutions, in order to jointly study the current global issues, and to promote the reform of the global governance system, in order  to build a more reasonable, more equitable, more effective global governance system, is the common aspiration of the people of the world.

Li Hongzhong said that the East Lake Forum is a high-level, comprehensive, open platform for academic dialogue and exchange of communication,the purpose of it is to enhance the interaction between Wuhan and the world by constructing academic brands with world influence. The ambassadors and experts gathering for the talk of beautiful vision and high perspicacity about the "global governance and national responsibility" is bound to the contribute ideas and power for the reform of the global governance and improvement. In recent years, Hubei has accumulated some beneficial experience in addressing the international financial crisis and downtown pressure on the economy, in promoting the transformation and development, but is still facing many challenges in terms of metropolitan governance, poverty and ecological environmental protection .We believe that this Forum will bring advanced management concepts, open international vision and very valuable wisdom to Hubei province.

Tunisia's Ambassador to China, Mr.Tarek Amri, Maldives's Ambassador to China, Mr.Mohamed Faisal , Provincial Standing Committee member of CPC, Secretary General Mr.Fu Dehui, vice governor Mr.Gan Rongkun attended the opening ceremony.Mr.Xu Qingsen, deputy director of the Ministry of Education , Huazhong University of Science and Technology party secretary Mr.Lu Gang, China World Peace Foundation Chairman Mr.Li Ruohong delivered a speech separately at the opening ceremony.Mr.Ding Lieyun, President of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, presided over the opening ceremony. Mr.Ouyang Kang, director of the National Institute of governance, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, introduced relevant background information of the Forum. The above mentioned leaders   started  opening ceremony of the Forum together.

Diplomats,experts and scholars from the United States, Russia, Cuba, Pakistan, Senegal, Morocco and other countries attended the opening ceremony.

After the opening ceremony, the guests , experts and scholars made  keynote speeches on “Global governance and national responsibility ”, and discussed thoroughly on the basic theory of global governance, specific practice, “One belt one road”, resources management, China's participation in social and political culture, etc..

This International Forum is jointly organized by the Huazhong University of Science and Technology and the China World Peace Foundation, hosted by the National Institute for governance research of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. (reported by Huang Junhua)

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