Senate Defense Committee Chairman of Pakistan visits Peace Garden with a delegation of different countries
Date:2016-03-31     source:BJIPCF     Count:8096

On Mar. 31st, 2016, Chairman of Senate Defense Committee of Pakistan, Honorary President of China-Pakistan Economy & Culture Center H.E. Mr. Mushahid Hussain Sayed visited Beijing International Peace & Culture with a delegation of 7 governors from Nepal, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, who were warmly welcomed by the China World Peace Foundation, Beijing International Peace & Culture Foundation and China-Pakistan Economy & Culture Center.

At Mr. Li’s invitation, the delegation visited the International Friendship Grove planted by young African leaders, admired along the lake the Peace Landscape Stones. Delegation members showed lots of interests on the landscapes stones with the inscriptions from various countries’ heads of states, ambassadors, international organization leaders and took pictures as souvenirs at the Peace Stone for their own country. Mr. Li also presented to them delicate gifts from different corners of the world. H.E. Sayed highly appreciated Mr.Li’s innovated assistance for the world development and selfless dedication to the world peace. He expected that both sides could deepen cooperation in different fields.

Guests and the host had a multilateral discussion about the culture, economy, peace and charity. As H.E. Sayed toasted he said: “Everyone present today is like the rainbow on the sky, representing the world development and friendship. CWPF and the BIPCF serve as a bridge connecting culture and resources of every country, which play an indispensable part in this world of globalization.”

After the dinner, Mr. Li and H.E. Sayed bid farewell. Mr. Sayed said affectionately that the friendship between him and Mr. Li is just like the feeling between Chinese and Pakistani people, as usually described as “iron brothers”. He cherished this relation and hoped to come back to the Peace Garden one day.

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