China World Peace Foundation Conducts Family Diplomatic Activities with Three Caribbean Countries
Date:2013-11-21     source:BJIPCF     Count:10290
Mr. & Mrs. LiRuohong and families of three Representatives of Caribbean countries
聚会现场Scene of the meeting

On the afternoon of Nov 20th 2013, Mr. & Mrs. Li Ruohonginvited the Representatives and their respective families from three countriesthat have not established diplomatic relations with China to Peace Garden for afamily gathering.  They are:Representative of Commercial Development Bureau of Haiti to China Ms. NathalieGissel Menos with her husband and family, Representative of CommercialDevelopment Bureau of Dominican Republic to China Ms. Rosa Ng Baze with her sonand daughter-in-law, and Representative of Panama – China Trade Development OfficeMr. & Mrs. Alejandro M. Castillero Pinilla.

The lunch was proceeding in a pleasant andfriendly atmosphere. They tasted the food made by Representatives themselvesand local Caribbean wines while making open dialogues. They all agreed that itwas necessary to organize such family gatherings for exchanging ideas andunderstanding each other. It was recommended that this activity should be heldonce per month so as to help Chinese people understand these nations that havenot established diplomatic relations with China yet. They expressed their ideasabout some political, economic and cultural issues. The Representatives statedthat this people-to-people diplomatic platform built by Mr. Li Ruohong is quitehelpful and they will take full use of it to show the special resources oftheir own countries and develop the friendly relations with China. 

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