“Belt and Road”website officially launched
Date:2017-01-10     source:BJIPCF     Count:8773

On January 9, 2017, 2017Chinese Think-Tank International Influence Forum was held in Beijing. Dr. LiRuohong, president of the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation signed“Belt and Road” website strategic cooperation agreement as signatoryrepresentative. Under the witness of more than 300 people, he launched the Beltand Road official website with Guo Qingwang, dean of school of finance and executivedirector and dean of Chongyang institute of Renmin University, and Li Fugen,vice president of china.com.cn.  

"The Belt and Road 'official website (ydyl.china.com.cn) is jointlylaunched by the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation, China.com.cn andRenmin University. The three parties will integrate respective social influenceand resources and play the role of internet new media and activate the functionof think-tank. The website will honestly record the development of Belt andRoad initiative in Chin and around the world to strengthen the dialogue betweendifferent civilization, so that people around the world can set aside theirdifferences, seek common ground and coexist and prosper in peace.

联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

“一带一路”文化互动版图:音乐与艺术 | 科学技术与技能 | 医术与医药 | 服装与服饰 | 美食与农业 | 神话与幻想 | 传统竞技与体育 | 语言与文学 | 仪式与庆典 | 宗教与精神

An Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads: Arts and Music | Seience,Technology and Know-how | Pharmacology and Medicine | Costumes and Clothing | Food and Agriculture | Mythology and Fantasy | Traditional Games and Sports | Languages and literature | Rituals and Celebrations | Religion and Spitituality