“Across the Lines” Photography and Painting Exhibition Lowered the Curtain
Date:2013-11-30     source:BJIPCF     Count:10951

Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World PeaceFoundation, Mr. Wu Shimin, Vice Director General of Beijing International PeaceCulture Foundation and Ambassadors of African Union membership states to Chinaat the closing ceremony


Chairman of China World Peace Foundation Mr. LiRuohong and Ambassador of Cape Verde Mr. Julio Cesar Freire De Morais at theclosing ceremony
Jerry向和苑博物馆捐赠摄影作品。Jerry donating his works to Peace Garden Museum

Across the Lines Photography and Painting Exhibition heldby China World Peace Foundation came to a close at Peace Garden Museum On Nov29th, 2013. This exhibition was supported by Embassy of Ethiopia,Embassy of Tunisia, Embassy of Nigeria, China World Peace Foundation andBeijing International Peace Culture Foundation. Ambassador of Cape Verde Mr.Julio Cesar Freire De Morais, Ambassador of Algeria Mr.Hassane Rabehi,Ambassador of Botswana Mr.Sasara Chasala George, Ambassador of Nigeria Mr.AminuBashir Wali, Chief Representative of CCIP in Beijing Ms. Nie Yanling, Chairmanof China World Peace Foundation Mr. Li Ruohong, Vice Director General ofBeijing International Peace Culture Foundation Mr. Wu Shimin, diplomats ofAfrican Union membership states and Chinese and foreign artists attended theclosing ceremony. 

Vice DirectorGeneral of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation Mr. Wu Shimindelivered a speech at the closing ceremony. He said that during the past twentyyears, China and Africa have advanced with times and explored new fields andnew ways for mutually-beneficial cooperation. Rapid progress and outstandingachievements have been witnessed in economic and trade cooperation. Cross the Lines Photography and PaintingExhibition delivered the wishes of Chinese and African people to make artexchanges and realize the integration of Chinese and African culture. It alsoelevated the art and cultural communication between China and Africa to ahigher level.

Chairman of China World Peace Foundation Mr. Li Ruohongexpressed his thanks to all the artists and friends from different circles forcontributing to this exhibition. He stated that it is quite necessary toenhance the communication between China and Africa both at governmental andnon-governmental level which would benefit the friendly cooperation and mutual development.Art is the bridge of China-Africa friendship. The artists showed theirbeautiful longings and pursuit for peace and art through their own creation. Atthe end of speech, he delivered his sincere wish to the long-standingChina-Africa friendship! 

Both the painter from Congo Mr. Akonga and the artistsfrom Nigeria Jerry are active in international public welfare programs. Theydonated two of their works to Peace Garden Museum at the closing ceremony. 

Ambassador of Ethiopia Mr. Seyoum Mesfin sent his messageof congratulations to the success of this exhibition. H.E. Ambassador will leada delegation composed of 54 African Ambassadors from AU membership states tovisit Peace Garden.

Ambassador of Tunisia Mr.Tarek Amri visited Across the Lines Photography and PaintingExhibition together with some diplomats from the embassy. He viewed theartworks very carefully and took a group photo with Mr. Li Ruohong in front ofthe paintings created by Tunisian artists. H.E. Ambassador spoke highly of thisevent for contributing a lot to cultural promotion. He expressed his wish towork with China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace CultureFoundation to promote cultural and art exchanges and expand cooperation betweenChina and Tunisia as well as other countries. After that H.E. Ambassador andMr. Li Ruohong unveiled the peace inscription stone of Tunisia. He thanked Mr.Li Ruohong for his fantastic idea of specified peace programs and took a groupphoto. 

Peace Plus One is the internationalpublic welfare mode of China World Peace Foundation and Beijing InternationalPeace Culture Foundation. Peace plus art is the specific reflection of it. Nowadaysthe Peace Plus One public welfare mode Mr. Li Ruohong put forward at the UNAssembly has been rooted in Peace Garden and exerted influence in internationalsociety for promoting world peace and accelerating the success of MDG. 

联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

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