Government Delegation from South Korea Visited China World Peace Foundation
Date:2013-11-26     source:BJIPCF     Count:8737

Government delegation from South Koreavisits Peace Garden Museum

Mr. Li Ruohong attends Gwangyang Free EconomicZone Investment and Promotion Meeting

Ona sunny day of this warm winter, Head of Gwangyang Free Economic Zone Mr. Lee Hee-Vongled a delegation to visit China World Peace Foundation and Peace Garden Museumand held talks with Mr. Li Ruohong. As Across the Lines Photography andPainting Exhibition co-hosted by China and African Union fell on the same day,Mr. Li Ruohong warmly introduced exhibited artworks to the delegation members.Mr. Lee Hee-Vong wishes that similar Korea-China cultural exchange activitiesshall be organized and Asia-Africa communication shall also be promoted. Thedelegates visited peace stone landscape in Peace Garden Museum and took a groupphoto. Mr. Li Ruohong introduced the artworks displayed in the museum which hadwon great admiration. Mr. Lee Hee-Vong said that he wishes to work with ChinaWorld Peace Foundation for advancing China-Korea cultural communication at adeeper level and expanding the economic cooperation. Mr. Li Ruohong alsoattended Korean Gwangyang Free Economic Zone Investment and Promotion Meeting. 

联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

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