Cooking Skill Exchange Held in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between China and Tunisia
Date:2014-02-08     source:BJIPCF     Count:9684

Chefs from Peace Garden Museum and TunisianEmbassy 

中国政府、国际组织和知名企业负责人出席中突建交五十周年活动Representatives of Chinese government, internationalorganizations and famous enterprises attend the celebration

At the beginning of 2014, Peace Garden Museum and Tunisian Embassy jointly held a cooking skill exchange event. This is a newinitiative in cultural exchange activities and a creative part of 50thAnniversary celebration activities. Different classic and rich dishes have wonpraises of the guests from Chinese government, international organizations,famous enterprises and other participants.

As an extending platform of China World Peace Garden Museum and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation, Peace Garden Museum collects many precious souvenirs in China-Tunisia cultural exchange activities. This event took classic food as main theme. Right beforethis, the Ambassadors’ family salon was held in Peace Garden Museum. The family members brought their traditional food and shared them with other guests indifferent countries. This not only improved the communication between Ambassadors of different countries but also enriched the cultural events ofPeace Garden Museum. This kind of exchange activities is much-loved. It willexert demonstration effect on extensively conducting distinctive cultur alactivities in future. 

Cultural communication and cooking skill exchange not only fuse different cultures but also enhance the friend shipbetween chefs. Enriching cultural exchange with cooking skill communication andpromoting big projects with small activities are positive and effective ways toconduct cultural diplomacy and social innovation. This kind of activities among Peace Garden Museum and other embassies are gradually conducting and becomingvery popular. 

联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

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