CPECC visits Pakistan for Business Opportunities
Date:2017-04-03     source:BJIPCF     Count:10871

On March 27th, 2017, at the invitation of Pakistani government, China Pakistan Economy and Culture Center (CPECC), an affiliation to China World Peace Foundation, started a visit to Punjab Province and Islamabad, the country’s capital, to carry out business exploration and cultural exchanges that lasted 11 days. 

Secretary General XU Jianguo visits FPCCI Lahore Office

During his meeting with Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Pakistani Senator and President of Pakistan-China Institute, Secretary General XU Jianguo passed on greetings from Dr. LI Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation. Senator Sayed welcomed the arrival of CPECC and highly approved the endeavors that CPECC has made in promoting the friendship between Pakistan and China and advancing the economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries. Secretary General XU extended invitation for the Senator to visit China World Peace Foundation again during his visit to Beijing to attend Belt and Road Cooperation Summit in the following May. 

Secretary General XU meets clean energy officer from Punjab Province

During its 11 days’ visit, CPECC met chiefs from Punjab Board of Investment & Trade (PBIT), PTV, Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI), The Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI), National Institute of Electronics (NIE), COMSATS, Board of Investment (BOI), Ministry of Information, Capital Development Agency (CDA), Ministry of Industries& Production, Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB), Ministry of Science& Technological Research and several private enterprises. 

Secretary General XU visits LCCI

During his meetings with PBIT, LCCI and FPCCI, Secretary General XU Jianguo introduced to the Pakistani side investment and cooperation programs that interest Chinese entrepreneurs, including establishing Iron & Steel factory, investment on ports, textile mills, solar PV station, asphalt sales to Pakistan, rice and fruit sales to China, and the upcoming visit by Chinese media group to Pakistan. After the meetings, Mr. XU signed MOU, respectively, with LCCI and FPCCI.

Secretary General XU Jianguo signs MOU with Director of Roshan Packages Limited from Lahore

During his visit to PTV, Mr. XU was briefed by relevant chiefs on the history of development and resource advantage of the station while touring its various studios. Mr. XU expressed his hope to promote the media interactions and cooperation between the two countries.

XU Jianguo meets Professor Abbas from COMSATS

During the discussion with Roshan Packages Limited, both sides proposed to expand the variety and number of Pakistani fruits that are exported to China based on the successful citrus export at the start of this year. Both sides also perfected plans and arrangement on product publicity, packages and selection of fruit types. 

XU visits Ministry of Science& Technological Research

In the meeting with clean energy officer from Punjab Province, both sides held in-depth discussions and reached consensus on solar PV generation, LED energy-saving lamps, central air-conditioner upgrading, laying a solid foundation for exploring the market of clean energy in Punjab Province. 

Mr. XU visits Ministry of Industries& Production

The Ministry of Industries& Production was very interested in the proposal by Chinese side to invest and construct iron& steel factory in Pakistan, and promised to give preferential measures on policy and taxation. 

Mr.XU visits the office of Pakistan-China Institute in Islamabad

Pakistani Ministry of Food Safety and Research expressed the wish to engage with Chinese relevant authorities and seek actionable plans to meet the Chinese need of importing biomaterials from Pakistan and expanding import varieties of Pakistani fruits, vegetables and seafood. 

Mr. Xu in a cordial meeting with Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed

During the meeting with Capital Development Agency (CDA), the topic of clean energy was touched upon, including indoor & outdoor LED energy-saving lamps, the recycling and disposal of urban household garbage and power generation. On top of that, both sides also discussed the possibility of establishing sister-city between Beijing and Islamabad. Islamabad officials showed great approval to the above-mentioned cooperation intentions, and promised to report the situation to relevant authorities and seek to materialize the programs as soon as possible. 

Through the business visit to Pakistan, the contact and communication with Pakistani business community was further enhanced and consolidated, and the wish from the Chinese side to develop business cooperation was delivered to relevant authorities in Pakistan, thus laying a solid foundation for concrete discussions on specific business cooperation in the future. In addition, CPECC also established and consolidated friendship and cooperation with Pakistani private businesses, media, academic and cultural agencies. A huge success was achieved by CPECC with the support of China World Peace Foundation and other partners, and anticipated goals were attained. 

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