Li Ruohong Meets President of Balkan Club of Peace at Peace Garden
Date:2017-04-01     Count:10116

Li Ruohong unveils Peace Stone with Osmo Vatres, President of Balkan Club of Peace

On March 31st, Li Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation (CWPF) and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation (BJIPCF), held a cordial meeting with Osmo Vatres, President of Balkan Club of Peace Club and his wife, and both unveiled Peace Stone which bears the inscription by President Vatres.


Li Ruohong, President Vatres and other guests in Peace Garden saloon


During the meeting, Dr. Li highly acclaimed the contribution by President Vatres in promoting peace in Balkan Peninsular. He then gave the latter a detailed introduction of an interactive cultural atlas project, a joint endeavor between CWPF and UNESCO, and Belt and Road official website, a cooperative effort between CWPF and China Internet Information Center. Dr. Li said, as one of the three major peninsulas in the south of Europe, Balkan occupies a strategic position in connecting Europe and Asia. Since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) unfolded four years ago, a substantial progress has been made in trade and investment in Balkan Peninsular as the region boasts convenient location, huge market potential, abundant resources and sound economic and trade cooperation with China. Dr. Li expressed his hope for Balkan to accelerate economic development and advance regional peace and stability within the framework of the BRI. Dr. Li also extended an invitation for President Vatres to attend the fourth Peace Garden Peace Festival scheduled on September 21 in Beijing.


LI Ruohong, President Vatres and other guests in front of Peace Garden Museum


President Vatres recalled his pleasant two meeting he had had with LI Ruohong in Balkan and was pleased to see him again in Beijing this time, and he highly approved the values of freedom and peace shared by the team members of CWPF. He also recollected vividly the scene in which LI Ruohong, along with former Croatian President and former Austrian Defense Minister, was awarded World Peace Hero Medal. All the laureates, he said, were outstanding defender of world peace and guardians against war who have played an indispensible role in promoting peace across the globe. President Vatres said he would love to be dedicated, along with LI Ruohong, to the advancement of economic and cultural exchanges between China and Balkan region and the promotion of peace.

As a large-scale international organization for civil diplomacy and financial public welfare, CWPF is devoted to establishing a platform of exchanges and cooperation between government and NGO, with internationality, neutrality, cooperation and public welfare as its tenet. Driven by people diplomacy, social responsibility, diverse culture and trans-sector cooperation, CWPF enjoys support from 178 governments and international organizations with its ideology, credibility, influence and action. CWPF, well balanced between charity and interest, provides a global cooperation network for governments, NGOs and enterprises.

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