The Peace Stone Unveiling Ceremony of Nepal was Held in the Peace Garden Ambassador Village
Date:2017-12-20     source:BJIPCF     Count:9894

The Peace Stone Unveiling Ceremony of Nepal and a Buddhism art exhibition were jointly held by the Nepali embassy in China, China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation in the Ambassador Village Peace Museum on 20 Dec, 2017. H.E. Leela Mani Paudyal, Nepali ambassador to China, Mr. Li Ruohong, president of China World Peace Foundation, and government officials, artists, athletes, representatives of social entities and business circles from Nepal and China attended the event.

Mr. Li Ruohong, president of China World Peace Foundation delivered remarks

Mr. Li Ruohong, when delivering remarks, told the guests stories of historical interactions and cross civilization collaboration between people from Nepal and China and the value of peace and compassion that is shared by both countries. He also introduced the Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads project and Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest that the foundation designed and initiated together with the UNESCO, expressing hope of boosting cultural confidence and economic development in various countries through the route of dialogue and international social responsibility and jointly build the World Culture Corridor and a community of shared future for all mankind.

Nepali embassy in China donated a traditional window frame to China World Peace Foundation

On behalf of the Nepali embassy in China, H.E. Ambassador Paudyal donated a Nepali traditional window frame to China World Peace Foundation. The window frame has 500 years of history and represents traditional Nepali architectural style. The lifelike peacock in the artwork symbolizes peace. Jia Chang, a Chinese artist also presented H.E. Ambassador Paudyal a gift, a portrait of the ambassador that he drew.

H.E. Ambassador Paudyal and Mr. Li Ruohong unveiled the Peace Stone of Nepal

In the Garden of Peace Stones in the Ambassador Village, H.E. Ambassador Paudyal and Mr. Li Ruohong jointly unveiled the Peace Stone of Nepal, which is engraved with the inscription of the ambassador: “Peace is precious & we are facing challenges of having peaceful order in the world. But it is attainable if, the people leading our societies pursue it honestly. Let peace prevail in the world!”

H.E. Ambassador Paudyal and Mr. Li Ruohong planted a cherry-apple tree that symbolizes friendship between Nepal and China

H.E. Ambassador Paudyal and Mr. Li Ruohong then planted a cherry-apple tree that symbolizes friendship between Nepal and China and expresses their wishes of letting the friendship between the two nations thrive and the results of peace actions of people from both countries be fruitful.

Group photo of participants of the ceremony

Guests from China and abroad appreciated the exquisite exhibits, including Thangkas from Nepal and China, the Buddha statue, wooden door carving, and scenery photography works from Nepal, and Chinese portraits of the twelve enlightenment Buddha, etc. They conducted heated discussions over cross-civilization collaboration and art and cultural exchanges between Nepal and China.

Portraits of the Twelve Enlightenment Buddha

联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

“一带一路”文化互动版图:音乐与艺术 | 科学技术与技能 | 医术与医药 | 服装与服饰 | 美食与农业 | 神话与幻想 | 传统竞技与体育 | 语言与文学 | 仪式与庆典 | 宗教与精神

An Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads: Arts and Music | Seience,Technology and Know-how | Pharmacology and Medicine | Costumes and Clothing | Food and Agriculture | Mythology and Fantasy | Traditional Games and Sports | Languages and literature | Rituals and Celebrations | Religion and Spitituality