Li Ruohong discusses with BMCERA about the international development of ethnic and Religious Affairs in Peace Garden
Date:2020-12-11     source:BJIPCF     Count:8620

On December 11, 2020,Ms.He ShujingMr.Zhou Jingxiao, deputy directors of the Beijing Municipal Commission of ethnic and Religious Affairs(BMCERA), and Ms.Sha Li, director of the Department of Islamic education, had a discussion with Dr. Li Ruohong, President of the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation, Mr.Yang Huishi, executive director of the Foundation, and Mr.Wang Hongzhuan, Secretary General of the Foundation, at the Peace Garden Museum on the comprehensive development of internationalization and public welfare of ethnic and religious work in Beijing .

Dr. Li Ruohong introduced to the leaders from BMCERA about the peace public welfare work cooperated among Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation , UNESCO, foreign governments and other partners for many years, such as the "Belt& Road Cultural Interactive Atlas", "global youth photography competition" , "Peace Festival" etc., and also cited the activitieof international peace public welfare done by the Foundation in various countries and regions as examples. In particular, he puts forward the significance of how to effectively carry out multi-cultural exchanges and cross religious cooperation based on Beijing in the current international situation. He pointed out that as Beijing, the capital of China, is the gathering place of 56 ethnic groups and five major religions in China, to strengthen national unity and religious harmony is the important work content of building Beijing's status as"Four Centers". It is of great importance to the construction of Belt&Road by strengthening the sense of national unity, promoting the peaceful integration of religions,presenting Chinese national religion and multi-ethnic culture of the world together,combining world heritage with intangible cultural heritage,promoting international win-win cooperation in science, technology, culture and economy

Ms.He Shujing, deputy director of the Religious Bureau of BMCERA, said that there are 800,000 ethnic minorities, 820,000 religious believers and 155 religious sites in Beijing, which are of wide range and great influence. Under the guidance of President Xi Jinping's "China's national community consciousness" and "adhering to China's religion in China", BMCERA has been actively carrying out national and international ethnic and religious construction work and the development of ethnic and religious harmony by telling China's story and Beijing story. Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation has a wide vision, high station and good platform. Over the years, it has not only been based on China, but also has achieved fruitful international interaction and made a lot of positive and meaningful work. We hope that in future work, both sides will strengthen cooperation and jointly promote the development of ethnic and religious undertakings in the capital.


Both sides agreed that with China's economic growth and cultural development which show the unity and harmony of ethnic and religious "five religions under the same light", we should work together in science&technology, medicine, sports, food and other fields, make full use of the rich resources of both sides, carry out multi-cultural exchanges and cross religious cooperation, promote national industry and religious cultural heritage to the international level, and makes contribution to building the community of shared destiny of human beings .

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