China World Peace Foundation Launched Silk Road Lndustry Allianle
Date:2014-04-04     source:BJIPCF     Count:8825

Silk Road Industry Alliance launchingconference

On April 2, 2014, the Silk Road IndustryAlliance was jointly launched by China World Peace Foundation and BusinessForum ofChina National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation at Beijing National Conference Center.

In 2013, President Xi Jinping made an important speech at Nazarbayev University of Kazakhstan. Hepointed out: in order to have closer economic ties, more in-depth cooperationand wider developmentspacebetween Asian and European countries, we need tocreate  new partnership mechanism andjoin efforts to build “the Silk Road Economic Belt”. The Alliancelaunched is to correspond to this national strategic deployment. The advantages ofNGOs such as flexibility, initiative in strategic communication, economiccooperation, and cultural exchange can be fully played to promote theconstruction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Over 70 representatives from various fieldssuch as cultural, financial, energy, transportation, environmental protectionetc. attended this conference. Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World PeaceFoundationMr. Wang Liwen,Chairman of the Business Forum of China National Committee for Pacific EconomicCooperation, Mr. Wang Zhiguo, former Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Mr. Wu Jisong, President of BeijingAssociation of Recycle Economy Development made speeches andinteractions with the representatives and members including former Chinese Ambassadorto Turkmenistan on the conference. 

Mr. Wang Liwen, Chairman of the Business Forum of China National Committee for Pacific EconomicCooperation introduced motivations of launchingSilk Road Industry Alliance, its preliminary works before the establishment andits next step working plans to the representatives. 

Mr. Li Ruohong suggested that the purpose of the Alliance is tocreate a platform which requires a global view, concept and standard. Throughpeace plus one mode to support the Alliance, we are going to have theinitiative and discursive power in the construction of theSilk Road Economic Belt and effectively cooperate with different countries andinternational organizations.

Representatives also discussed on how to create a think tank and resources database for Silk Road Industry Alliance and on environmental protections along the Silk Road.

联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

“一带一路”文化互动版图:音乐与艺术 | 科学技术与技能 | 医术与医药 | 服装与服饰 | 美食与农业 | 神话与幻想 | 传统竞技与体育 | 语言与文学 | 仪式与庆典 | 宗教与精神

An Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads: Arts and Music | Seience,Technology and Know-how | Pharmacology and Medicine | Costumes and Clothing | Food and Agriculture | Mythology and Fantasy | Traditional Games and Sports | Languages and literature | Rituals and Celebrations | Religion and Spitituality