Peace Garden Museum holding a painting exhibition “A glance of Haiti”
Date:2014-05-19     source:BJIPCF     Count:10152

Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation givinga speech at opening ceremony

 Mr.LiRuohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation and Mrs.Nathalie Gissel Menos, the permanent representative of the commercialdevelopment office of Haiti cutting ribbon for the painting exhibition
Opening ceremony of “A glance of Haiti” paintingexhibition

        On May16, 2014 China World PeaceFoundation and the Commercial Development Office of Haiti jointly held apainting exhibition “A glance of Haiti” at Peace Garden Museum. This is one ofthe series of culture and arts activities tour for Caribbean countries, which aimsto promote cultural exchanges between China and Haiti, and to help peoplebetter understand Haiti’s history and culture. This one week exhibitiondisplays artworks of artists including Jean-Bernard Etienne, Jean PierreTheard, Luckner Lazard and has been supported by diplomatic envoys fromover 20 countries such as Benin, Egypt, Cuba, Senegal, Austria, Peru, andVenezuela and people from different areas.

        Mr.Li Ruohong made a speech before opening ceremony ribbon cutting, he introduced thetwo foundations and its works and long term cooperation with UNESCO; he alsoexpressed his wishes to promote people-to-people diplomacy and peacedevelopment by collaborating with each country and working on a peace + onepublic welfare mode. “Haiti is one of the world known Caribbean countries. Haitianpeople are diligent, kind and passionate about life and arts, these attributesare displayed in their artworks which depicted bright color and smooth harmoniousrhythm, have strong visual impact”, Mr. Li said.

        Mrs.Nathalie Gissel Menos introduced Haiti andits positions among Caribbean countries. She expressed her hopes that byworking through music and art exchanges, Chinese people will be able to exploreand have further understanding about new Haiti, and to promote culturalexchanges and cooperation between the two and multiple countries. 

联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

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