Peace Garden hosts "Memories of Time -- A Solo Recital of Chinese Art Songs by Bass-Baritone Liu Yang"
Date:2024-04-01     source:BJIPCF     Count:4738

On March 30th, in an effort to propagate the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, Peace Garden Museum hosted its 371st Music Salon titled "Memories of Time -- A Solo Recital of Chinese Art Songs by Bass-Baritone Liu Yang". This concert was presented jointly by bass-baritone singer Liu Yang, coloratura soprano Guo Chen, and pianist Sun Chenxin, who collaborated to perform a repertoire that selected seminal works from pioneering composers in Chinese art song creation such as Xiao Youmei, Huang Zi, Qīngzhǔ, and Liu Xu'ān. The program included early compositions like 'Great River Eastward Flows', 'Nostalgia', 'Spring Thoughts', 'Three Wishes for a Rose', and 'The Inquiry'. Under the interpretation that blended ancient charm with modern style, nearly a hundred audience members filled the venue, continuously applauding and creating a fervent atmosphere. The concert provided an unforgettable cultural audio-visual feast for all attendees.

联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

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