Li Ruohong led a Delegation of 15 Ambassadors visited Ganzhou
Date:2014-07-22     source:BJIPCF     Count:12981

A delegation of Ambassadors and ConsulGenerals to China led by Li Ruohong, Chairmanof China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace CultureFoundation visited the China revolutionary holy land in Ganzhou, JiangXi province from July 18th to July 20th, 2014.

27 Ambassadors and diplomats joined the trip happily. They are: H.E. Mr.Lit Fong Chong Leung, the Mauritius Ambassadorto China and his wife; H.E. Mr.Mahesh Kumar Maskey, the NepaleseAmbassadorto China and his wife; H.E. Mr.Ernest Mungosauka Makawa, the Malawi Ambassadorto Chinaandhis wife; H.E. Mr. VictorBockarie Foh, the Sierra Leone Ambassador to Chinaand his wife; H.E.Mr. Abdoulaye Fall, the Senegal Ambassadorto China;H.E. Mr. StefanSkjaldrson, the Iceland Ambassador to China; H.E.Mr. Ignatius Joachim Karl Hood, the Grenada Ambassadorto China;H.E. Mr. LansinaKone, the Mali Ambassador to China; Mr. Ghanim Taha Ahmed Al·Shibli, representative of League ofArab Statesand his wife; Mr. Benedetto Latteri, Consul-General of Italian Consulate in Guangzhou; Mr. Arturo Villarruel,Deputy Consul General of Mexican Consulate in Guangzhou; and Mr. Petrov Dmitry,Representative of Russian Consulate in Guangzhou.

The diplomaticenvoy delegation was warmly welcomed by themunicipal government of Ganzhou City. The diplomats paid their sincererespectsto the predecessorsof proletarian revolution and their contributions to the Chinese liberationwhile visiting Ruijin.After seeing the former residence of Chairman Mao, Sierra Leone Ambassador to China Victor Bockarie Foh saidthat ChairmanMao was very friendly to African people; he was not only the great hero ofChina in liberating China, but also a great hero admired by African people. He said, “Freetown,the capital of Sierra Leone is thesistercity of Ganzhou, it is my great pleasure to visit theplace where Chairman Mao used to work and live”. Diplomats also went to Huangsha village ofYeping and townof Shapingba, the revolutionary holy land to seethe environmental improvement projects and visited theold homes of local people, talking with them abouttheir work and livings and tasting the local foods andhouse made wine. Ambassadorsalso visited the newly built houses of the villagers. H.E.Mr. Stefan Skjaldrson, the Iceland Ambassadorto China,was deeply moved after visiting the revolutionary sites, he wrotedown: the names of those passed away will always be remembered. The diplomats also visitedDoushuiLake and Gannanbotanical garden.They were deeply impressed by the beautifulsceneries. H.E. Mr.Papa Khalilou Fall, the Senegal Ambassador to China, said that he was deeply impressed bythe Five Colors Culture of Ganzhou: Red holy land, Green ecologicalenvironment, yellow orange, white rare earth and black tungsten. The diplomats werealso deeply moved by the hospitality of local volunteers. Many of them havemade friends with the visiting diplomats.

On July 20th, Shi Wenqing, Secretaryof GanzhouMunicipal Party Committee met with the visiting diplomats and had talks with them. The Ambassadors sincerely thanked China WorldPeace Foundation for its warm invitation and thankedthe municipal government for its hospitality. Theycommented highly on social and economic achievements made by the city. SecretaryShi Wenqing thanked the Ambassadors for their positive comments andwished to further promote the relations and communications with them, andexplore joint development. Chairman Li Ruohong said the visit narrowed thedistance between Chinese people and people of those countries. It integrateddiplomacywith dailylife.Thevisit offered an opportunity for the Ambassadors to see Ganzhou with international perspective andunderstand what China dream is by looking at the historic memories, people’slivelihood projects and people friendly ecological environment. Chairman Lisaid that the trip is a dialogue between an oldrevolutionaryarea and world civilization.The development of Ganzhou is an epitome ofChinese reform and opening-up, and illustrates how economic development isdriven by culture, a model that’s worth studying by international society.

Chairman Li Ruohong presented a folding fansigned by all Ambassadors,Consul Generalsand their wives to Secretary Shi Wenqing, and asreturn Secretary Shi presented horse racing ceramicplates to the diplomats as souvenir.

Some Ambassadors had expressed their willingness tobe the consultants of China World Peace Foundation, and would like to build upbridges between China and international communities, to promote dialogue amongcivilizations and develop social welfare courses in an innovative way viagovernment and civic communications.


leaders from Ganzhou Municipal Committee in photo together with Mr. Li Ruohong and the delegation

 delagation visits optimized residences in Ruijin 

delegation visits Doushui lake national park

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