Mr. Li Ruohong gave a speech at World Youth Forum on Sport Culture and Peace
Date:2014-09-01     source:BJIPCF     Count:9865

Conference hall at theWorld Youth Forum on Sport Culture and Peace
Chairman Li Ruohongwith other speakers

Mr. Li Ruohong giving a keynote speec

On Aug.26th,2014, the World Youth Forum on Sport Culture andPeace,co-hosted by UNICEF, NYOGOC, and All China Youth Federation, was held inNanjing. Mr.Hans d'Orville, assistant and director general to UNICEF, Mr. YangWeize, executing president of NYOGOC and secretary of the Municipal PartyCommittee, Mr.Miao Ruilin, head of Nanjing city and vice president andsecretary of NYOGOC, Mr. Fu Zhenbang, secretary of the CYL Central Committeeattended the forum.

Hosted by Mr. Bai Yansongfrom CCTV and Ms. Zhou Yingqi from Phoenix TV, the forum attracted speakersfrom four corners of the world. These peace ambassadors include Mr. Li Ruohong,chairman of China World Peace Foundation, Mr.Craig Kielburger, nominee forNobel Peace Prize and peace ambassador of the United Nations, Daniel Rondeau,French diplomat and writer, Shi Yongxin, Abbot of Shaolin Temple, Luke Dowdney, founder of “Fight for Peace”,Wang Danqing, representative of volunteers, and Xin Fu, founder of MushroomGarden.At the forum, Mr. Li made a keynote speech on violence prevention ofyouth and peace. He said, peace education among young people, with sport andcultural exchange as two important tools, can give them a stronger sense ofresponsibility and honor. In Mr.Kielburger’saddress, he cited vivid examples to illustrate the value of peace. Mr. Rondeaubelieved that maintaining peace requires us to abandon ignorance, arrogance,and lies.

    Young volunteers and international studentsdiscussed about the relation between youth and culture at the forum, whichachieved constructive results.

联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

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An Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads: Arts and Music | Seience,Technology and Know-how | Pharmacology and Medicine | Costumes and Clothing | Food and Agriculture | Mythology and Fantasy | Traditional Games and Sports | Languages and literature | Rituals and Celebrations | Religion and Spitituality