In theevening of December 9th, 2014,the French Montesquieu family descendant, Mr. Baseden, Chairmanof Montesquieu Group, donated the portrait of Montesquieu andhis manuscripts to Peace Garden Museum on a ceremony held in Peace Garden. Montesquieuwas the French Enlightenment thinker, jurist, one of the representatives ofclassical natural law school .His masterpiece “De l'esprit des lois” is of far-reachingimpact on later generations. The curator of Peace Garden Museum, Mrs. He Qing received the donation on behalf of themuseum.The participants of the ceremony were Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China WorldPeace Foundation, H.E. Mrs. Carmenza Jaramillo, Ambassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of Colombia and Mr. Zhao Jianping, Deputy Director General of BeijingInternational PeaceCulture Foundation and financial expert of China Development Bank, and otherdistinguished guests.
Before thedonation ceremony, Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China WorldPeace Foundation and President of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation discussed the “Peace+1 "public welfare mode with Mr. Baseden, Chairman of Montesquieu Group. Taking advantage ofthe platform of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation , Montesquieu Group will set up the Montesquieu Education Fund to disseminate theMontesquieu thoughts of " Peace and Fraternity " to teenagers across time and space.
Mr. Baseden, Chairman of Montesquieu Group, is introducing the donations.
The curator of Peace Garden Museum, Mrs. He Qing received the donation on behalf of the Museum.
Group photo of the attendants in the donation ceremony.
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